Why The Mole Lady?

Because she specializes in professional, prompt and effective mole extermination in the South King County area since 2000. Our service is chemical/pesticide free and delivers a visible, positive "catch" so that you know the problem animal has been eradicated. In this business there's no such thing as over-kill! Our service usually takes one week and for most (but not all) average sized yards there are usually one or two moles.
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Got Moles? Find Out Why
How come the moles are in my yard and not my neighbors? Perhaps your neighbor doesn't know what to look for. In the summer months if you're the only one in your neighborhood watering chances are the moles are going to be spending most of their time in your yard because all of the things they like to eat ( worms, crane fly larvae, Japanese beetle etc.) are found in a moist yard.